Niwaki Kenzan - Minis

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  • Regular price $27.00
  • 4 available's kit!

Better known to me as flower frogs, these are placed in the bottom of a vase or other flower-arranging vessel to hold flower stems firmly in place. They will hold green or woody stems (use criss-cross cuts in the bottom of larger twigs). 

The 'Mini' Set includes a set of 4 assorted miniature shapes:  2 squares and 2 circles.

Clever and very useful and, most importantly, a foam-free accessory that are used in traditional Ikebana flower arranging. 

There is a charming little straightener to fix up bent pins, sold separately. 

Product Details

  • 0.9 x 0.9" (24 x 24mm)
  • 0.33lbs (154g)


Also available in:

Small, Medium, Large & Extra Large Rounds


Large Rectangle 

Brass Straightener, with jingle bell